Kindly note that your valuable contribution made to S.K.R.pupils Welfare society towards the welfare of persons with disabilities will be gratefully acknowledge and your name will be prominently displayed at the organization premises.
- You may select of the following items.
- Contribute Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Only ) or (US $ 2500 ) towards one Class room for Special School Building Construction.
- Contribute Rs. 2,00,000/- ( Rupees Two Lakhs Only ) or ( US $ 5000 ) Towards Ten Computers for Special Education to teach Speech Training for Hearing impaired Mentally Chalenged and Physical Handicapped children to purchase the computers
- Contribute Rs. 15000/- ( US $ 375)per annum towards the cost of residential training for a Mentally Challenged, Hearing Impaired, Physical Handicapped children.
- Contribute Rs. 6000/- (US $ 200) per annum towards the cost of daycare training for Mentally challenged Children.
- Contribute One Tricycle or Wheel Chair Rs. 5000/- ( US $ 110 )
- Contribute One Below Knee Artifical Limb Rs. 4000/- ( US $ 1000 )
- Contrubute one Hearing Aid Rs. 3000/- (US $ 45 )
- Contribute One caliper RS. 3000/- ( US $ 45 )
- Contribute one Crutches Rs. 1500/- ( US $ 35 ) Contribute any kinds of items such as tables chairs, Almirahs clothes for children or teaching / Learning /Play Materials etc.